Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Seo Kang Jun Meet & Greet [19 February 2016]

In the very end you still did not disappoint me. I almost cried because you wasn't paying attention to me, until the moment it was about to end I leaned on my friend looking sadly then you looked at me showing that actually you cares. So I told you, I am about to cry with my hand language and requesting you to the a heart sign for me like once and you really did. So I smiled, then you smiled too then you continue to answer your question from MCs. Thank you for at least cheering me up when I was about to cry. At least you let me know you do notice me and not left my question hanging there. I know I sounds stupid for crying over an idol who is not going to remember me after he returns to Korea. But every idol that I love, does have a story behind it for me to love. I don't simply or just blindly like them.