Thursday, May 15, 2014

Emergency Couple high5 session

Please don't take out the Credits! Thank you. :)
The moment he asked me to "Shut up"

The eye smile. that i cannot. T^T

Sorry for the blurry image cause there is like some ass blocking my camera, while i was videoing and this are all screen shot from the video. ^^
Thanks for JinHyuk noticing me in the first place. without me shouting, by looking my banner. and you gave me the eye smile and the wave, but sadly, I didn't caught that on my camera. Its irritating, when i actually prepare my camera and all stuff to take fancams of you, but you never respond even i keep shouting your name several times, until i screamed your full name at the top of my voice then you responded. well i know i'm kind of rude to call you in full name. but i just seems to be uncontrollable. 

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