Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dream Stage: Skarf Ferlyn

Today went to see Ferlyn at the Dream stage because she is one of the judges. She is really pretty and super friendly as you can see my instagram. :) hahaha. Me and my friends was the 1st one said to her and she responded though. ok I'm not really a hardcore fan of her so i don't fangirl much but i kind of like her as a fan and she resembles one of my primary school friend.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Trick Eye Museum SG

12 June 2014 (Thursday) :
We came out to meet Sotong, and to celebrate birthday with her. 
First we went to Eat 1st then... we went to trick eye museum! i was seriously shock because it have a long queue! WTH??? and its like Thursday only and its already such a long queue.
well its worth it cause its half price. i didn't manage to took some photo. especially the kitty one. i forgotten to take! urghh! will go another time. maybe the Korea one? the super authentic one. haha. ><

My camera went "died"after taking photo at the part which doing the ballet one! T^T