Sunday, August 10, 2014

[12.07.14] One Day Trip To Malacca

Hi!~ Sorry for not blogging for a long time.
I personally love this photo a lot, taken at Malacca because i didn't put any make up however the image turn out to have like some sort of eyeliner effect which i really love it.

Day1: after long bus journey, like finally reach Malacca. Firstly we went to the hotel. Of course. The hotel wasn't that bad, at least not like the water is yellow. As my past experience in Malacca one of the hotel the tap water is yellow. wow i seriously got shock at that time when i turned on the tap. "My phobia for Malacca Hotel", well not all hotel taps are yellow, just some i guess. After check-in the Hotel, we went to eat for lunch. Then we went shopping! Which all girl will love it, isn't it? Bought some stuff back for the 1st day.
Tadah! The stuff i bought. lol. Well sadly I didn't manage to eat the Chicken Rice Ball at Malacca. T^T because we arrive too late after all the shopping so all the shop had close so we went to eat the stalls like along the shopping street. After all the Shopping we went back to hotel for some rest then came out to the Sky Lounge for some drinks. Well not alcohol drinks, but some are.
This is My drink. Its My Mum's Friend order it for me. It sucks for me cause the alcohol smell is too strong for me. its not sweet enough to cover the bitterness of the alcohol. bleh. XP. The night view of the Sky Lounge is super pretty. you guys should go there and enjoy too. Just for your info the Sky Lounge is located at the hotel i lived. :) 

Day2: Woke up and had breakfast. The breakfast was super great! there is a lot of choice of food there. I don't even know what to choose for my breakfast so i took all of favorite food! hahahaha. After breakfast we went to the pool and play with the water. sadly can't swim cause i didn't bring enough clothes to change. Well after that We went to shop again before heading back to Singapore! 
So this is what i bought. After that we head back to the hotel and wait for our Coach to arrive. while waiting we were searching for the Free Wifi. Cause we had check out so all of us was unable to access the Wifi, then we approach the counter, so we got the guest password to access it. After getting the password Me and Laura went to trick the others by saying the password need $5. so must give $5 then can give the password. hahaha. they were all like O.O but after they know it was a lie they were all like -.-
Haha. so manage to use phone until the coach came. so here is The End of the trip.

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