Friday, October 2, 2015

Running Man Kang Gary School's Out [02.10.15]

Hello. I Know I haven't been blogging since months! but yes I'm back with Kang Gary's Photo. Also I actually have SiWon's Photo but it has not been watermark by me. and I'm super tired. I still have to blog my trip about Korea, so be patience with me. I will update my blog soon!

I want to thanks Gary for the great fan service! Keep looking out for me.
I shouted your name and said you are very handsome in Korean, and you mouthed Thank you in Korean. aww. but sadly I didn't took the video down. well its okay. I keep it in my heart.

Thank you for looking back at me and waved when you are leaving Wisma at the car park, because i said "안녕히 가세요!" and you replied "안녕!" Really thank you for the fan service.


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