Monday, March 3, 2014

Job training

Basically it was Monday that day we went to job training. i forgot what is the date but yeah.
I meet up with Misaki at Jurong East first. Cause my dear friend JueYing Aka Sotong meeting her lovely boyfriend which looks like Lobang. Then i call Misaki 27 call and she didn't pick up im like so fxxking mad! then soon she whatsapped me where am i. then i'm like. err. I've reached Jurong east 10 mins ago. then she and Deena together meet me. cause they went shopping before that i guess.

Then after that Misaki thought meeting Jimson and Keith at Marymount ended up they took the cab to there. so we left Marymount and decided walk to the Training Centre. Is Freaking tired when we walk up the hills to find that training centre. pft! but we found a coffee shop nearby the Training Centre so we went in to coffee shop to have some break before going there. While we were resting misaki recieved Jimson call. asking where are we and he told us they reached Marymount already. we are like ermm nearby the coffee shop near the training centre. his like... then misaki told them the directions but they seems to be quite blur so Misaki ask them to cab down lo. but seriously they are damn rich. keep cabbing down to places. then after resting a while we went to training centre lo. then meet Sotong, Sotong's Boyfriend, Jimson and Keith 
During the training they keep telling us energizer products. etc  ok this part super bored is all about portable battery so i doubt you don't have to know.
After Training we were deciding where to go and eat. Keith say he want go CCK eat cause he is Vegetarian. okay damn sad he can't eat meat. then me and Misaki is like we want go Jem! Actually we wanted to take train to Jurong East but Keith and Jimson say can share cab with them to Jem then after that they go CCK. they are quite good in certain ways la. ^^
So in the cab we took lots of selca. hahaha. >< '
after he put us down me and misaki Went to shopping at Jem and Eat dinner too, Cause my mum is  not cooking so i ate with misaki. She ate tomyum noodle and i ate dumplings noodle. hehe.♥ after all the shopping we went home. and thats the end of my story~♥

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