Monday, November 18, 2013

ReBlog: Day1. A-Prince Fan Sign Event

Day1 [290813]: i woke up at 5am and went to the airport at 6am+ i suppose to meet Jiayi like 5.30 at khathid mrt but the fcking taxi driver drive machiam so slow. then i keep rush the uncle.. "UNCLE CAN YOU DRIVE FASTER?!" THEN HE KEEP SAY. "REACHING SOON!" 15 mins later still haven't reach! oh god man! the worst taxi uncle i've ever met! ok nehmind. then when i reach ... i ask him find me $$$ then he fcking find the money damn long. i was like... sua ok. im in a rush! then after that. i took other cab. the cab uncle drive damn fast. i seriously like the uncle alot. then reach airport i wait A-prince come out lo.
then before A-prince come out... i took selca with jiayi, so that i can put inside the letter and gift for siyoon! hahaha! ok.... then Finally A-prince came out! likka so handsome like that. Sungwon machiam... Airport fashion like that. haha. then Siyoon like gong gong one. when i want pass him the gift. then i keep "seonmul" then he was like ahhh. then he grab the present! hahaha! ♥♥♥ then after that i went to their hotel. just nice. they are having their breakfast there. then siyoon and the other member keep playing the donal duck that i gave them! haha. then they keep using the Donal duck wave at me. haha so cute right?! ok while they having breakfast i met ShuYi, HaNa and JingYee... they asked me and Jiayi wanna join their stalking Van. then i faster agree la. cause from the start i already wanted to stalk them! so yeah! but Jiayi never join cause she having exam! ok then after that we went home and change and hana went home with me. cause if she go home. sh confirm will sleep. so yeah. she followed me home. kekeke then after that we meet at hotel which A-prince is staying la. then we also bought food there to eat. is like daebak. at first i thought no table. so i hold the plate and eat. then the uncle say got table. then i was like where?! then he adjust everything then got one table popup! omg machiam idol van sia. haha
then i we camp at the van like so long A-prince still never come out. T^T then when they comeout that time is to get ready for the bugis+ fan sign event. then our van and Aprince van like so damn close. A-prince keep give fan service. kekeke ♥ then i was like at there too hyper. i keep knocking the window. haha. then when we reach bugis plus then i wait lo. wait for the event to start. so yeah. then went up to stage for the signing event. i spent the most time on stage with them cause. my album i put post it note with question on it. the question asked "What is my first impression to you?"
SungWon: good!♥
SeungJun: Pretty
Minhyuk: Kwiyeopta!~
Siyoon: Lovely~
Woobin: neomu yeppeoyo~
The answer that is most trustable is Minhyuk's... cause after he read the question he look up at me. then he wrote the anwer. haha omg too cute already la!~ and i went twice for fansign. haha XP
then 2nd time i asked them to write my name also. then Sungwon was like " Sihye ah" then i use singlish talk to him. "ya~!" i think he find me very rude lorh. i should have say " neh~" omg! T^T then after they went back hotel to change. then go for dinner. and we went back hotel too! so yeah! ♥ then after that the organiser called us to rush us to the dinner location. so yeah. we didn't wait for A-prince to come out... and we left. then... i asked Siyoon to sit like beside us. and he really went to sit beside us. kekeke ok. then the whole dinner i just ate abit. then siyoon is like keep asking me and my other friend to eat. so sweet right? ♥
then after that Wenting ask me pass the cotton candy to Siyoon. so i passed. then he dk how to open the cotton candy cup. then he was like T^T i cant open. then he suddenly poke a whole at it. then its open! then he smile to us lo. then he ate one bit of the cotton candy. then he ask... whether we want the cotton candy. then i was like me? then he nods head. then i say jinjja yo~? then he nods head. so i took some of the cotton candy lo. :P hehe. then after that they went to discuss something with the staff.
then suddenly the whole member with the staff came to our table and ask us why didnt we eat? then WenTing say because of you la the staff! then she also say no la. i was kidding..."because of siyoon!~ he is sitting at the back and distracting us" i immediately laughed! haha. so yeah. then after that woobin pass me the sign poster. keke. i actually wanted to get it from siyoon. but woobin passed me first. so yes. i grabbed from him. then the staff say we can take photo with Aprince! then WenTing is like crazy then she ask "can we take selca with individual member." instead of a group photo!" then the staff say "sure sure." then there is a girl asked for group photo. then i dk where to stand. then i was like eottokae?! then siyoon pull me to his side and stand. then i was like so fcking awkward man. ok then after that woobin went on to block my head. then the camera person asked me to stand beside woobin. then i was like TT siyoonah~ but who cares then i went to take selcas with siyoon first. then after that siyoon hold my polaroid then he took selca. then after that i went on to take selca with other member. woobin didnt know how to use polaroid. then he ask me where is the button then i pointed at the button. and keep say "button button" with the fake korean accent. haha.  but i when i want to take polaroid witht minhyuk then they went to other table. i was like shit. i havent take with minhyuk then they proceed to other table alr. then the organiser helped me to call minhyuk back then we took polaroid. the funniest thing is that. minhyuk dont know how to aim at the correct angle for polaroid endup 1/4 of his face gone. then have full face of mine! haha funny or what? plus he also asked woobin to check whether is the angle ok. then woobin keep say ok. then he press lo. then after that A-prince went to other table talking to other fans. then i checked my polaroid then i realise the polaroid i took with siyoon is a spoiled film. then i was like fck. then i went to ask the organiser. then the organiser say " you gg liao lo" then i was like T^T . so i went to call siyoon. 1st attempt "siyoon oppa" no answer... 2nd attempt "Siyoon ah~" he immediately turns his head! wtf man! so i was like assuming he hate ppl call him oppa? haha. then i show siyoon the spoiled film then i give him this face T^T then he show me hand signal "later we take 1 more. ok?" then i was like ok! hehe. then after he talk finish with other fan. he came back to take photo with me hehe. this time he winked at the polaroid. hehe loved him so much! then after that he went to other table which is jingyee table. then he hugged jingyee. then i was like oh. i havent requested my hug too! then suddenly he passed by my table. then i was like siyoon ah hug! then he was like "ahhh" but the "ahhh" sounds abit M18 sia! then after that i asked him to sign on my polaroid. after he sign he drew heart shape on the polaroid. but i didn't notice. haha. :P until i go home. i look through the polaroid then i realise he actually drew heart shape. ok then after the dinner they heading back hotel right we went to hotel too! then the van stop there but no one open the van door. so me and my friends was like at the window there communicating with siyoon! haha. cute or what sia? hehe then he after that he went down the van. he was like waving at me. awww. so sweet. ♥♥♥ haha endd of day 1

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