Wednesday, December 17, 2014

ATTENTION to all girls

ATTENTION to ALL girls out there!
Please be careful especially when are going home late at night! AND I'M VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. The reason why I'm so serious about this is because today, due my dance training i was late home, and guess what happen? When i was walking back home. Cause i took MRT, so first i went to buy a bun for myself to eat, Then i cross the bridge then i suppose to walk up the stairs towards the Shengsiong super market then there was this Bangala, stop me at the stairs and talk some weird stuff which im not sure what he was trying to say and also the same time he block me from passing the stairs. So total i was being block 3 times so thats it! My mind told me i should run as fast as possible towards the coffee shop near by my house. Which is Open until midnight. So coffee shop still got alot ppl. Which is kind of safe for me... then i have to cross the road to go back home and luckily theres like quite a number of people wanted to cross the road, so i just followed them and cross the road and faster walk back home.  At the same time i quickly call my mum to open the door stand by for me just in case the person follows me back home. I swear it was a horror to me. So i manage to got home safely, and my mum literally scold me and say why you never call me to fetch from mrt. The reason why i never call my mum is because i dont want to hassle my mum to go down to mrt station and fetch me which is a very long distance for her as she is getting older so i want her to rest la. I had never expected such thing would happen in my life, Im counted as the lucky one. So yes girls be extra careful WHEN YOU GOING HOME ALONE AT NIGHT!

Disclaimer: I did not exaggerate or anything.I'm saying the thing that really happened on me. So girls please please please be extra careful.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Trip to Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

 I've finally decided to post about this trip to Malaysia before my exams. I know it was last month that I've went to Malaysia and then it took me 1 month later for me to post it. I'm so sorry about it, as I'm busying with my final year project so please forgive me.

Day1: [25.10.14]
Starting with first Meeting up with Mum's Friend, because this trip was planned by my Mum's friend after that we went to take coach bus and my butt was like going rot cause it is seriously taking very long but at least there is rest station like a place for us to eat. After eating we went back to bus to continue watching drama and proceed to KL so we reach KL at around 4 pm then we went to have some snacks at a cafe. After that we went shopping, its kind of boring as i didn't bought much back cause to me is like their stuff confirm all bought from Taobao and its like almost all the clothes that i like from different shops is likely to be from Taobao. So my mum friend got frustrated and asked me stop saying that thing is from Taobao, but I'm serious, there is a lot things i seen is from Taobao so i couldn't control myself by saying it. Well, but at least i manage to bought something back which is tights for my dance CCA to wear, also there are some hair accessories together with some Japanese food that i bought. So after shopping we went to street market and had our Dinner then return back to our hotels. Therefore this sum up my first day in KL 

Day 2: [26.10.14]
First We all gathered 9 am to meet at the lobby of the hotel, after that we proceed to go to some street at KL to have our breakfast as the hotel we stayed doesn't provide us breakfast. Then we had some porridge, beehoon and some others stuff, so after having our breakfast we continue to shop at the street we had our breakfast. However I'm serious bored like hell because there is totally nothing for me to buy at there as there is a lot fake branded goods that is "grade A fake goods" and I've seriously no interest in any of them so me and mum just watch them buying the goods. One of the branded goods I've seen the most on the street is MCM bag pack. Even knowing they are selling grade A stuff but still its fake as the texture and quality is totally different from the Authentic ones. In addition before the trip my father had already promise me that he will buy me the 100% Authentic MCM bag pack for my birthday gift. So I've ended up buying nothing from the street except foods! Because the food there is super nice and my mum keep buying me snacks from different stall. When I'm already full she still keep ask me to eat and stuff it into my mouth. So the whole morning we was at the street shopping. After that we took bus to a air-conditioned place and shop. like finally there is no hot sun! Well the things there also doesn't suit me much, is kind of pricey to me as the thing there are like Somerset- Scape, Cineleisure, H&M so is like a "nay" for me. Its like, you came so to Malaysia and you shopping at places that Singapore had?! Can't you shop at places Singapore doesn't have it. So i ended up buying snacks from some Japanese shop which the Oreo. After a long shopping finally we are going to have our Lunch/Tea break. So we went to this Restaurant/ Cafe called "Secret Recipe" and I've ordered the Seafood Thai Spaghetti, it was Super delicious.

After Eating we took bus then took train to Time Square shopping mall to SHOP AGAIN!!! Its like seriously?!헐 we shop like crazy! At Time Square, I still keep seeing a lot Taobao stuff. Well but its not so ridiculous as compared the 1st day. I actually saw some HighWaist short that i seriously like but don't have the size i want is not that I'm very fat! Its just that I prefer wearing slightly lose short. Or probably I gain weight at there so the short was just right for me and not slightly lose for me. So i didn't bought any short. At evening my mum and her friend decided to go for a foot massage, to relax their foot after a long day of shopping. as for me i decided not to go for foot massage because I'm afraid that what if the person accidentally break my bones and i might not be able to dance forever. So i was seating down there watching them having massage and at the same time watching my Korean drama. After they got their massage we went to had our Dinner at a restaurant called "Tokyo Kitchen"  and I've ordered the Cheese "forgot fish name" set. The set comes with Miso soup, Chawanmushi Egg, Cold Tofu, Salad and your main dish! Its cheaper than Singapore its like less than $20 SGD! After that we went to super market to buy some snacks for next day coach bus back to Singapore. So this are the item i buy on 26.10.14

Last Day [27.10.14]
The last day in KL,we all gathered 7.30 am to meet at the lobby of the hotel, after that we went to street nearby our hotel and had breakfast, We had some slice fish noodle soup. the soup is seriously super tasty i swear its like once you drink the soup you can't stop drinking and the noodle had absorb the soup taste so is like OMG I'm totally loving the slice fish noodle soup. After eating the breakfast we bought some snacks back to hotel and pack luggage to get ready to go home. So after packing we all gathered at 9.30 am to meet at the lobby of the hotel, then we went to waiting coach bus area before the bus arrive. then happen to see a Starbucks nearby so we went in had some coffee before bus arrive.So after drinking coffee the bus came so before boarding the bus i quickly went toilet. So again a long journey back home. Therefore this had sum up my Trip to KL so with this i will end here. 안녕~ ♥

Sunday, November 23, 2014

[22.11.14] B1A4 KStar FanFest + Choke Full of Beans

Hi guys! I'm back with my new blog post. So lets start with, first I met up with Jinglin and suppose that Sharlene will join us too, to go to "Choke Full Of Beans" to try out the 3D art latte, however she caught in a fever after she had came back from Malaysia so only me and Jinglin went to try it. In addition it took us quite a while to find this place like we even lost our way to there like somehow. Well i rate this 9/10 for this meal. For a reason why I didn't gave a full mark is that there is still room for improvement. What i can say that I really love the 3D art latte, it was super cute! And for the main course I've ordered a Egg Benedict it was also very nice especially the poach egg on top of the ham! I'm totally loving it! Egg is one of my favorite food and I almost eat it everyday.

After eating we went on our Journey taking bus and train to Marina Bay Sands Convention Hall to register and get tagged for queue number. [Bonus] and selfie/ selca on train

Specially Thanks to Jinglin for inviting me go with you to this KStar Fan Fest concert to see B1A4. I really enjoy my day with Jinglin watching Kpop concert and also its a bonus to me that i've met some bloggers that i know like Brenda and Jeremy Hellven Chua. 

Thank you Jeremy for taking photo with me,  :) Thanks to Jinglin for helping me to take photo with Jeremy also. Bellow is B1A4 Fan cams. Sorry for low quality photo and there isn't much photo as the security there was quite tight.

Also thanks for Innisfree for the Freebie and in this photo I forgot ten to include their cleansing tissue and also the facial mask. :P

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Birthday Celebrations!

4 November 2014
On that day actually me and my daddy planned to buy MCM bag pack for me as my birthday present, so we decided to go to Marina Bay Sands to have a look on the bag. However when we reach there, we were kind of disappointed, as the design and color i wanted had sold out, but there is this very friendly salesman kindly told us that there will new stock arrival on Friday. In addition, he politely asked me what is the design and color that i want and he said he could reserve for me, so ofcourse i told him the design and color i want. After i said, he then said, once the stock arrive he will make a call and inform us. I really admire the service by him, even though i didn't get the bag i wanted on that day but still I'm already happy with it, cause I know I'm going get it on Friday.

7 November 2014
On that day when i woke up on 11 plus am , I receive a whatsapp message from my dad saying that there the MCM bag pack stock had arrive. So I faster call my dad to meet me at the Marina Bay Sands before i go for my CCA, So after that i quickly change and went out to Marina Bay Sands. Finally i got my MCM bag pack. After that i head back home with my new bag then went out again for CCA.

8 November 2014
I was having a wonderful Thai food dinner with my mum and mum's friend, This picture may looks like western food spaghetti but its being cooked in Thai version, mine was yellow curry with soft shell crab, After that we went shopping at Marina Square. Then we had some delicious muffin as dessert. 

11 November 2014
As an advance Celebration Meal!♥ It is because the next day is my birthday and i have test and CCA until very late so i won't be back home that early, so my mum date me out for Dinner at Causeway Point, Watami and we had this very sumptuous meal that cause $59++ This set is a 2 person set meal, it have Cesar Salad, Sashimi, Pizza, Glass Noodle Soup and Korean Army style hot pot, Which is a very worth it. After having a sumptuous meal we went back home then i realized that the next day don't have CCA and my mum was like why do you tell me now.

12 November 2014
On the Actual day of my Birthday, i received lots of message in the morning by my lovely friends. First was Sharlene, my one of my best friend, which stalk idols with me. She is also a November baby, and her birthday fall on 11.11 but i'm still older than her because she's born in the year of 98. haha. Follow by Natasha which is one of my good friend from A-mazin8 clique, then after her is Jolynn the funniest message i received so far as wishing friend birthday message. Which one of the part she said, I enjoyed using the China accent to talk to you. I'm like this girl, don't know what is her mind thinking of me. This is the first 3 message i received that day not going say more sorry that i didn't mention all but thanks for all the Birthday wishes! Put this aside the sad story of the day will be, on my birthday that day still have test. T^T But never mind i would rather to have test on my birthday than panic study for test on next day. well put the boring test aside my dearest Mummy bought me this 3 small cake for my birthday cake, It may looks small unlike other people big birthday cake. some people might think what a pathetic birthday cake, but it would looks even pathetic if we couldn't finish the birthday cake right? Well this 3 cake are all different flavor, 1 is Green Tea, 1 is Blueberry, another 1 is strawberry. The one highly recommended by me will be the Green Tea one because it is not very sweet, as i really hate some of the bakery shop that sells cake which is super sweet and creamy, like after you ate it, you will feel like you going get diabetes. So that is why i like the Green tea flavor the most.

14 November 2014
I went out with this 2 pretty Ladies which is my Secondary School friends, which is one of my best memories in school with them, even though we might quarrel sometimes we still get back to friends later on. First we met up each other at different train station. for me i met PengJia (PJ) at Woodlands Train station then follow by meeting ZhongMin (ZM) at Sembawang Train Station then we proceed to Somerset together. Wishlist to be done at Somerset was to eat Honey Creme Ice-cream so first thing is we went there to eat this Ice-Cream. Surprisingly the queue wasn't that long when we went there but i became long after we have done buying our Ice-cream.

So after having the Ice-cream at Honey Creme the 2nd wishlist to be clear is go to the Cuddle Cats Cafe. which is a mission for Zhong Min because she was super afraid of cats, because to her, cats is a nightmare which she will never want to approach, So me and Peng Jia want to help her overcome her fear. So she had think quite a while and she made up her mind and bravely accompany us to go in the cat cafe. and also thanks to Zhong Min for willing to accompany me to the Cuddle Cats Cafe. Well at least you manage to touch some of the cats which at first you run away from the cats and don't even dare to touch nor walk up to them. Even though after this 1 hr experience with the cat cafe, I know you are still afraid of cat but at least you improve very quickly with the environment.

This is a photo of me and Casper, but Casper isn't that willingly to let me carry. I think it is because is his nap time after he ate his "lunch" and I'm like not allowing him to sleep. XP at least this photo looks nice and for the whole time in Cuddle Cats Cafe i'm chasing over Casper and touching his soft and smooth fur. After visiting the cat cafe we went to eat some Korean cuisine, so I've order JJaJangMyeon, Kimbap and Aloe Juice.

After Eating, we went shopping around at Somerset area and take OOTD and then after that i met up with my mum at AngMoKio at night to have dinner. So this sums up my birthday celebration and its time to say bye. Annyeong~♥